It is I, John Bradley

I make tabletop RPGs occasionally! Here are some of them. More to come!*

*More to come when I get any amount of free time, which will be in the unforseen future.

I'm going to update this more in the future and make it pretty and such, also when I get free time.

If you are also John Bradley (for we are many) and you wanted to create a site at this address but found it occupied, you may be reasonably peeved that the occupant is so lackluster as this. You have my sympathies, fellow John Bradley! Nevertheless, you had almost ten years to stake this claim before I did, and many more decades previous to have gotten the address on geocities, so I feel pretty entitled to squat here until I can put together something more impressive.

Anywho, I'm just gonna put some additional text here and format it so I don't forget how formatting works: